I'm an artist and a designer specialized in
illustration and editorial design
Solo exhibition "Tüdruk"
(Eng Girl)
09.01 - 01.02.2025 / Kivi bar, Tartu

Read and see more about the exhibition here!
I am still a girl. Just a girl. Not quite a real woman who is big and important. A woman who is not deterred by anything and knows in which direction she is moving and what she wants. I'm afraid of the confusing feelings that flow inside me and often slip out. I'm afraid it will make me seem fragile, weak and insecure.Deep down I know that this girl hides herself inside every woman.
Exhibition "Tüdruk"
(Eng Girl)
09.01 - 01.02.2025 / Kivi bar, Tartu

I am still a girl. Just a girl. Not quite a real woman who is big and important. A woman who is not deterred by anything and knows in which direction she is moving and what she wants. I'm afraid of the confusing feelings that flow inside me and often slip out.
I'm afraid it will make me seem fragile, weak and insecure.Deep down I know that this girl hides herself inside every woman.
The illustrations in the exhibition are full of pink (as it’s usual for a proper girl) and are created using mixed media - combining digital art with analog material (graffiti and pencil). All illustrations are digitally created, but to give the impression of a digitally analog print, I printed out the artwork and scanned it back in. The home printer left streaks on the print from the uneven distribution of the ink, and I absolutely loved the roughness and crispness I got after processing it.
I value different textures and emphasize their quality. I feel that they add a lot to the work - I don't think I can create art without them.The exhibition consisted of 10 works.
Exhibition booklet COMING SOON!

Head to the SHOP too...
To find the framed prints for sale!

Here are various illustrations made from 2022 - 2025.
Since there are only selected works here, you can see all of them on my Instagram account!
Red emphasizes the courage and the passion to dig deep inside yourself and to learn to know yourself again. All the pain and feelings that come with this search. All the blood that flows inside you makes you whole and, in a primitive sense, human. The star, as the last hope and signpost, guides you to where your true nature lies.
February 2025
Intrepid Extravaganza exhibition
The illustration symbolizes the search for yourself and the passion to dig deep inside yourself.The feeling
that I am faded and trapped in my own shadow. Lost.But that's not it.
That's not me.
My hungry hands search for the lost fragments of my body, grope at my heart and soul.
Digging and scraping deeper to bring back to light everything that is left in the shadow.
So that I can build myself up exactly for
I was created to be.
Xylentol (Xy)
September 2022
Xylentol is my Dungeons & Dragons character - a high-elf fighter (Eldritch Knight), who's blind in one eye because of her haunted past.Eldritch Knight is a fighters class archetype where a fighter combines the martial mastery common to all fighters with a careful study of magic. So - she's a pretty strong frontline fighter with a few spells in her pocket.

Head to the SHOP too...
To find illustrations/prints for sale!

I enjoy making collages out of material found in books.
There are so many old books that just sit around in bookcases so why not make something new and cool!I love to play around with the colors and composition, creating an interesting visual world.
All of the collages have been scanned in and the originals have been framed.
Advanced Typography course in Pallas University of Applied Sciences
Spring 2023
A self-made font named Toothpaste.
Each letter is made in Illustrator and the font was later put together in Glyphs.

Advertising course in Pallas University of Applied Sciences
Fall 2022
This poster is the final work for the course. During the whole course we had to make advertising posters in different styles for a black cube.I decided on an illustrative lifestyle type of an advertisement for a cube that repells negative energy.
Logo rebrand
Pictography course in Pallas University of Applied Sciences
Spring 2023
A logo rebrand made for a small cafe called Meka in Tallinn, Estonia that offers warm homemade foods.Since the cafe isn't very active on it's branding or even social-media presence I wanted it's new face to be a bit more colorful, friendlier and even more eye-catching than before so it would stand out next to it's competitors in the area and invite even more customers to the cafe.
Logo design
Corporate Product course in Pallas University of Applied Sciences
Spring 2023
This logo was created for an international competition where the participants had to create a logo and a slogan for the project
"Strengthening the identity of the Baltic Sea Region borderlands. Building cooperation for the youth".The logo represents looking and going towards the bright future. It also represents the search and acceptance of personal and regional identity.
The star symbolises the youth, hope for the future and it serves as a guide in the world.
3D Robot
3D modeling course in Pallas University of Applied Sciences
Fall 2022
Funky little robot made with Blender.

"If I would find my passion again"
Fall 2024
Video sound design: David Ocean Kaljurand
Head to the SHOP
The mini-zine is for sale, get it from here!
The mini-zine "If I would find my passion again" was born from my creative block. The overwhelming pressure to create something perfect often robs me of all desire to draw anything.I remember how I loved drawing as a child. I never once thought that things don't fit together, that the lines are so crooked and that no one likes my picture. I only drew what I loved. I think my inner tension is what robs me of that passion. That's why creating this zine was a lot of fun - I felt crazy freedom and I haven't felt such fucking joy in drawing for so long. It felt good to revisit the childlike wonder and the freedom that I've been missing in my art.
Artist's book "Öö"
Bachelor thesis project in Pallas University of Applied Sciences
Spring 2024
Supervisors: Carolina Pihelgas, Liisi Grünberg
Video sound design: Ookean / @riimvesi
As part of my thesis, I created an artist's book titled “Öö” (Eng night) combining different formats, elements, and materials. The goal was to create an engaging, visual, and interactive story, with a strong emphasis on illustrations created digitally and scanned from analogue materials. The interactivity of the book is based on the added elements - small cards are added to the pages with paperclips and each holds a hidden message. The artist's book is binded by hand.The book has a cohesive narrative written in poetic form. The poetry explores personal feelings and experiences, with the central theme being the night: all the love and sadness, tenderness and anger hidden in the darkness. During the work, my interest in poetry deepened and and through writing I learned to appreciate the power and beauty of words and poetry.
Here you can read more about the story in the book (in Estonian):
Future Book
Graphic Design course in Hochschule Hannover
Winter 2024
A story about an astronaut venturing in deep space, leaving behind marks of himself for the universe to witness.The book was a concept, an idea of what a future book could be. Free of it's usual simple book format, in my mind a future book
The book pages were created in different formats.
All of the text and images were created with the help of AI (photos were later edited)
Magazine VIVIDA
Editorial Design course in Hochschule Hannover
Winter 2024
A youth magazine VIVIDA created for an Editorial Design course. The goal was to create a new magazine concept with chosen texts and photos.
All of the photos were edited to create a consistent style and give it a more youthful and artistic look.The material was taken from Dazed & Confused Magazine.
Graffiti posters
Illustration course in Hochschule Hannover
Winter 2024
After doing some research on an abandoned apartment complex in Hannover, Germany, I became interested in the purpose and form of graffiti tags in abandoned places. In support of the research I also tried out some tags and made some prints.I was facinated by the textures and forms I was able to create with a spray can.Since I was in Hannover for such a short time, the idea of leaving a mark behind really intrigued me. Therefore became the title
Booklet THE GAP
Editorial Design course in Hochschule Hannover
Winter 2024
This 30 page booklet was created with an inspirational text by Ira Glass.
The booklet is meant to be a play between the font and illustrations, creating a cohesive style altogether.Font: Yapari. Power Type™ Foundry
Kunstnikuraamat "Öö"
Öö, kogu armastus, kurbus ja veidrus, mis sinna pimedusse peidetud on, seal pesitsev soojus ja külmus. Öö on aeg, mil oled oma mõtetega üksi, kõige suurema südantlõhestava kurbuse aeg. Pimedus on täis tundeid ja sõnu, mida keegi pole suutnud öelda, isegi kui oleks tahtnud. Parem on lahkuda midagi ütlemata, sest sõnadel pole tähtsust. Tunded jäävad ikkagi alles. Tunded, millele mõtled keset ööd, sest saatmata kirjad ei lase sul uinuda.Öö vaikuses on tunda meeletut rahu, see on hetk endale, päeva eest põgenemine. Üksikud romantilised momendid, mis tunduvad keset ritsikate siristamist nii ehedad, nii õrnad. Kuid ka kõige õrnemates hetkedes võib peituda kurbus. Pimedusse on peidetud asju, mida ei pruugi märgata.
nädalaid vaid sulle
mõttes viimseid sõnu ette ladusin
kui mõtled
“kuhu kadusid?”
ei suudaks seda tunnistadasa siiani ei tea, kui palju tagasi ma hoidsin
rinnul pea,
mul laususid sa, vines"vahepeal on parem, kui kõike välja ei näita"sõnad, mida pole lausunud
jätsin kirjas enda kohta täitma
su vastus, vaikusesse hajunud
tean vaid,
sa nutsid terve pühapäeva.
poolik marlboro pakk
hello kitty välgumihkel
sokid?kuskil koti põhjas vedeleb mul küll üks sokk
selle teise jätsin vist su kapi peale
ma tihtipeale
ei tea kus mu asjad on
ja ma isegi ei mäleta enam
mis minust sulle jagatud onkadumas nendele tänavatele
on ka mälestused meist
loodan, et siin maailmas
on piisavalt asju, et meei unustaks teineteist(ja et sa annaksid mu soki tagasi)
ma kuulun vist siiaehkki kõik tundmatud näod
on hajunud üheks massiks
millest jõuga läbi surunpilgud täis tühjust
ning kõikuvad kehad
on omas maailmas
jätnud kõik pinnad siin majas kleepuma01:41
siider vintage
veel üks
HENRY WESTONS, 500 ml pudelkuid ma peaks vist varsti koju minemahomseks on see ikkagi vaid
peavaluga kaunis mälestus
mis vaevu
veel hetke
meeles püsib
mul jook on sees
vähemalt ei mõtle enam
juba kolmas õhtu
jõllitan enda peegeldust
siin pudelipõhjasent koju loksudes
takso aknast virvendavad
ja helgivad tuled mu silmis
oled õhtu segadustest mul ainultsinamõttes
su huulte pehmus
ning käed mu ümber
mis ajasid mu pea
kõige hullemini keerlemaloodan sa leidsid ka
tee koju
teel taksoga kojuma ei tunne enam armastust ära
ma ei oska seda enam tundaküll kombin südamest midagi
nagu urgitseks kotis ja
kraabiks põhjast seda viimset tobipuru kokkuolen saanud kõik, mis ma tahan
muutunud inimeseks,
keda ma enda vastas koguaeg näinud olenkeda ma jälestantundetu
närakas sellinesee ei teegi mind lõpuks
lootsin, et tundetusega
kaasneb rahu
kasvõi mingi idülli sarnane olluskuid see on puurinud mu hinge augu
mida täita ma ei oska.
* Rohkem luulet mu väiksetiraažilises kunstnikuraamatus:
Here you can find framed prints from my solo exhibition "Tüdruk"
Tüdrukulik kinnisidee
Winter 2025
A3 size (29.7 x 42 cm)
Printed and framed by ArtSmart.
High quality wooden frame with anti-reflective glass - Artglass.
180€ (+shipping)
Contact me for purchasing!
Winter 2024
A3 size (29.7 x 42 cm)
Printed and framed by ArtSmart.
High quality wooden frame with anti-reflective glass - Artglass.
180€ (+shipping)
Contact me for purchasing!
Täheke, Täheke
Winter 2024
A3 size (29.7 x 42 cm)
Printed and framed by ArtSmart.
High quality wooden frame with anti-reflective glass - Artglass.
180€ (+shipping)
Contact me for purchasing!
Viha iha
Winter 2024
A3 size (29.7 x 42 cm)
Printed and framed by ArtSmart.
High quality wooden frame with anti-reflective glass - Artglass.
180€ (+shipping)
Contact me for purchasing!
Ära vaata mulle otsa
Winter 2024
A4 size (29.7 x 21 cm)
Printed and framed by ArtSmart.
High quality wooden frame with anti-reflective glass - Artglass.
85€ (+shipping)
Contact me for purchasing!
01 _Gr2ff _lille6is
Winter 2024
Print size (with passepartout) - 20 x 25 cm
Printed by ArtSmart.
Wood frame - Ikea (23 x 28 cm)
50€ (+shipping)
Contact me for purchasing!
02 _Gr2ff _lille6is
Winter 2024
Print size (with passepartout) - 20 x 25 cm
Printed by ArtSmart.
Wood frame - Ikea (23 x 28 cm)
50€ (+shipping)
Contact me for purchasing!
Winter 2024
Print size (with passepartout) - 20 x 25 cm
Printed by ArtSmart.
Wood frame - Ikea (23 x 28 cm)
50€ (+shipping)
Contact me for purchasing!
"If I would find my passion again"
June 2024
The mini-zine "If I would find my passion again" was born from my creative block. The overwhelming pressure to create something perfect often robs me of all desire to draw anything.I remember how I loved drawing as a child. I never once thought that things don't fit together, that the lines are so crooked and that no one likes my picture. I only drew what I loved. I think my inner tension is what robs me of that passion. That's why creating this zine was a lot of fun - I felt crazy freedom and I haven't felt such fucking joy in drawing for so long. It felt good to revisit the childlike wonder and the freedom that I've been missing in my art.
4€ (+shipping)
Contact me for purchasing!
Artist's book "Öö"
June 2024
Artist's book titled “Öö” (Eng night) is a mixed media poetry book that combines different formats, elements, and materials.The poetry in the book explores personal feelings and experiences, with the central theme being the night: all the love and sadness, tenderness and anger hidden in the darkness. There are 18 poems added into the book.The book is paired with a small poster (188x250mm) and an envelope with a foreword. The whole set is packaged in plastic with a black rope tied around it.
45€ (+shipping)
Contact me for purchasing!
I'm Romy, a 24 y.o. independent artist and designer from Tallinn, Estonia.I've been drawing ever since I was a child but decided to invest into a Wacom tablet in 2020 and have been doing digital art since then!
My style is constantly evolving, it's currently really cartoonish yet surreal. I love expressing my deeper feelings and telling stories through my art. It feels therapeutic. I would even say it gives my art a mature aspect - a contrast to it's cartoonish style.After my exchange semester in Germany, Hochschule Hannover, I found my love for editorial design and creating books and prints. My future goal is to really refine my skills in that part of graphic design and art and to start releasing more of my own products while also implementing mixed media in my art.
2020 - 2024 - Pallas University of Applied Sciences - Media and Advertisement Design
2023 - 2024 (Erasmus+) - Hochschule Hannover - Visual communicationInternships:
2023 Ruum414 - Design internship
2022 BOP! Animation - Animation internship
2021 Reflex - Design internshipExhibitions:
2025 Multidisciplinary group exhibition. Alternative multimedia festival Intrepid Extravaganza. Erinevate Tubade Klubi, Tallinn
2025 Solo exhibition. Tüdruk. Kivi bar, Tartu
2023 Graphic design exhibition by the Department of Media Design students at Pallas University of Applied Sciences. Supermarket. Pallas Gallery, Tartu

If you wish to commission or buy my work, you can reach me here!
You can also contact me on my social media! :)
Based in Tallinn, Estonia